Overcoming Adversity: A Herbalist’s Journey to Healing
"In December of 2022, Lilian collapsed with a heart attack, her surgical doctor identified that the left ventricle of her heart was severely damaged and they had no way of knowing that she would survive, another heart attack. The hospital recommended a ‘no resuscitation’ note was put on her bed in the hospital.
She had another heart attack, but was resuscitated after the family refused the 'no resuscitation' recommendation. Soon after Lilian had a severe stroke.
I was approached, to help, and recommended she take Circulate, Garlic and Hydrolysed Collagen to heal and strengthen her heart which her doctors agreed wouldn't do her any harm. We instructed her carers how to make it into a smoothie for breakfast, which she loved.
She made a quick improvement and Lilian eventually got moved to a residential home to recuperate, there she began to do exercises for her hands and speech therapy and began to include Magnesium and Nutri-Calm as she wasn’t sleeping well as she was suffering badly from spasms in both her legs.
I recommended Fenugreek & Fennel as she had water on her lungs, this helped to get rid of the congestion on her lungs. At the time she had regular day and night nurses who looked after her.
She has now gone home. As she got stronger she decreased the carers she was having, to one at night only for an hour.
To help with the stroke, she has included in her regime, Ashwagandha, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, vitamin D3, B Complex, Optimised Curcumin, Vitamin C, Slippery Elm, 5 HTP with L-Trytophan.
I'm blown away by how this lady has gone from strength to strength. She was recently told she must not fly as she wears a pacemaker, to my amazement she flew to Cyprus for 3 weeks and is now planning to fly to West Africa.
On a recent visit to her clinic for review she told her doctor she wanted to go to West Africa, the reply was, "if anyone can do it, you can!”
I have personally been taking firstly, Nature’s Sunshine Products and now Lily & Loaf, these products are truly wonderful and amazing. I have had stroke myself and I don't know what I would have done without Lily & Loaf."
"Thank you Lily & Loaf, may you always succeed, we need you."
Rosebud L-T